Week 31 FINAL Results - Wyndham Championship
1 1 11 Mass Romantics Glover $1,368,000 Kirk $0 Stevens $0 $1,368,000
2 8 3 Hello World Henley $676,400 Poston $223,060 Scott $223,060 $1,122,520
3 5 15 Orange Nation Henley $676,400 Horschel $372,400 McCarthy $0 $1,048,800
4 16 24 Shooter's Burns $123,500 Henley $676,400 Poston $223,060 $1,022,960
T-5 7 1 Magnolia Marauders Henley $676,400 Kim, SW $41,420 Poston $223,060 $940,880
T-5 14 7 Raw Potential English $41,420 Henley $676,400 Poston $223,060 $940,880
T-5 30 12 Hopelessgolfer Henley $676,400 Kim, SW $41,420 Scott $223,060 $940,880
T-8 9 4 NewDecadeGolf Henley $676,400 McCarthy $0 Poston $223,060 $899,460
T-8 24 10 DriveForShow Henley $676,400 McCarthy $0 Poston $223,060 $899,460
T-8 10 22 B&B Henley $676,400 McCarthy $0 Poston $223,060 $899,460
T-8 31 28 Hopeless Os Fan Henley $676,400 McCarthy $0 Poston $223,060 $899,460
T-8 25 31 Silky Swingers Henley $676,400 McCarthy $0 Poston $223,060 $899,460
13 23 33 NL Marne Henley $676,400 Kim, SW $41,420 Thomas, J $169,100 $886,920
14 11 21 PCC#6 Contingent Henley $676,400 Lowry $18,164 Thomas, J $169,100 $863,664
15 29 9 BirdiesOrBetter Burns $123,500 Henley $676,400 McCarthy $0 $799,900
16 3 2 Bogey Free Henley $676,400 Kim, SW $41,420 McCarthy $0 $717,820
17 13 34 The One Iron Henley $676,400 McCarthy $0 Smalley $0 $676,400
18 18 26 Cheerleader Burns* $123,500 Poston $223,060 Simpson $293,550 $640,110
19 12 13 Sporthacker Im $123,500 Poston $223,060 Scott $223,060 $569,620
20 15 17 Team America McCarthy $0 Poston $223,060 Scott $223,060 $446,120
21 33 30 Tommy G Bhatia $0 Horschel $372,400 Lowry $18,164 $390,564
T-22 28 5 Stepnoski Burns $123,500 Hossler $0 Poston $223,060 $346,560
T-22 26 23 Grand Marnier Burns $123,500 Matthews $0 Poston $223,060 $346,560
24 22 20 North Dallas Forty Kuchar $31,540 Simpson $293,550 Willett $0 $325,090
25 6 8 Hozzle Rockets Burns $123,500 McCarthy $0 Thomas, J $169,100 $292,600
26 4 6 Carl Spackler Poston $223,060 Ryder $31,540 Streelman $0 $254,600
27 17 16 Bulldog Lowry $18,164 Matsuyama $0 Scott $223,060 $241,224
T-28 21 14 Red Man Walking Bhatia $0 Hossler $0 Poston $223,060 $223,060
T-28 20 27 Team SWO Poston $223,060 NO SHOW $0 NO SHOW $0 $223,060
30 27 19 FixitontheDownswing Lowry $18,164 Snedeker $22,116 Thomas, J $169,100 $209,380
31 19 29 Akickin McCarthy $0 Suh $0 Thomas, J $169,100 $169,100
32 2 25 Kiwipepper Burns $123,500 Kim, SW $41,420 Kirk $0 $164,920
33 34 32 Eagles And Birdies Kim, SW $41,420 Matsuyama $0 McCarthy $0 $41,420
34 32 18 WingedFoot47 Hadwin $0 Matsuyama $0 Schenk $16,340 $16,340
35 35 35 Millertime VACANT $0 VACANT $0 VACANT $0 $0