Week 29 FINAL Results - The Open Championship
1 20 27 5 Team SWO DeChambeau $39,900 Harman $3,000,000 Smith, Cam $84,113 $3,124,013
2 32 18 4 WingedFoot47 Fleetwood $308,400 McIlroy $551,250 Rahm $1,084,625 $1,944,275
T-3 27 19 8 FixitontheDownswing McIlroy $551,250 Rahm $1,084,625 Scheffler $121,500 $1,757,375
T-3 16 24 2 Shooter's Fowler $121,500 McIlroy $551,250 Rahm $1,084,625 $1,757,375
5 22 20 7 North Dallas Forty Koepka, B $39,025 McIlroy $551,250 Rahm $1,084,625 $1,674,900
6 12 13 1 Sporthacker Rahm $1,084,625 Schauffele $187,900 Smith, Cam $84,113 $1,356,638
7 19 29 10 Akickin DeChambeau $39,900 Johnson, D $0 Straka $1,084,625 $1,124,525
8 35 35 15 Millertime Hatton $163,067 McIlroy $551,250 Young, Cam $403,350 $1,117,667
9 15 17 9 Team America Fleetwood $308,400 Hovland $232,875 McIlroy $551,250 $1,092,525
10 17 16 6 Bulldog Fleetwood $308,400 McIlroy $551,250 Smith, Cam $84,113 $943,763
11 2 25 34 Kiwipepper Burns $0 Fleetwood $308,400 McIlroy $551,250 $859,650
T-12 6 8 27 Hozzle Rockets Koepka, B $39,025 McIlroy $551,250 Spieth $121,500 $711,775
T-12 11 21 19 PCC#6 Contingent Koepka, B $39,025 McIlroy $551,250 Spieth $121,500 $711,775
14 29 9 14 BirdiesOrBetter Fitzpatrick, M $58,725 McIlroy $551,250 Smith, Cam $84,113 $694,088
T-15 21 14 24 Red Man Walking Koepka, B $39,025 McIlroy $551,250 Smith, Cam $84,113 $674,388
T-15 33 30 20 Tommy G Koepka, B $39,025 McIlroy $551,250 Smith, Cam $84,113 $674,388
17 26 23 17 Grand Marnier Fleetwood $308,400 Hovland $232,875 Smith, Cam $84,113 $625,388
18 3 2 23 Bogey Free Johnson, D $0 Koepka, B $39,025 McIlroy $551,250 $590,275
19 25 31 28 Silky Swingers Fleetwood $308,400 Koepka, B $39,025 Smith, Cam $84,113 $431,538
20 24 10 3 DriveForShow Fowler $121,500 Hatton $163,067 Smith, Cam $84,113 $368,680
21 31 28 33 Hopeless Os Fan Hovland $232,875 Lowry $0 Smith, Cam $84,113 $316,988
22 10 22 21 B&B Koepka, B $39,025 Schauffele $187,900 Smith, Cam $84,113 $311,038
23 5 15 31 Orange Nation Hatton $163,067 Koepka, B $39,025 Smith, Cam $84,113 $286,205
24 14 7 11 Raw Potential Hovland $232,875 Johnson, D $0 MacIntyre $37,550 $270,425
25 13 34 22 The One Iron An $121,500 Koepka, B $39,025 Smith, Cam $84,113 $244,638
26 23 33 26 NL Marne Fitzpatrick, M $58,725 Scott $84,113 Smith, Cam $84,113 $226,951
27 30 12 12 Hopelessgolfer Koepka, B $39,025 MacIntyre $37,550 Smith, Cam $84,113 $160,688
T-28 8 3 18 Hello World DeChambeau $39,900 Johnson, D $0 Smith, Cam $84,113 $124,013
T-28 28 5 13 Stepnoski DeChambeau $39,900 Johnson, D $0 Smith, Cam $84,113 $124,013
T-30 7 1 25 Magnolia Marauders Johnson, D $0 Koepka, B $39,025 Smith, Cam $84,113 $123,138
T-30 4 6 16 Carl Spackler Harrington, P $39,025 Johnson, D $0 Smith, Cam $84,113 $123,138
T-30 34 32 35 Eagles And Birdies Johnson, D $0 Koepka, B $39,025 Smith, Cam $84,113 $123,138
33 1 11 30 Mass Romantics Burns $0 DeChambeau $39,900 Lee, MW $58,725 $98,625
34 18 26 29 Cheerleader Lowry $0 Rose $0 Smith, Cam $84,113 $84,113
35 9 4 32 NewDecadeGolf Johnson, D $0 Koepka, B $39,025 Morikawa $0 $39,025